General Effects of L-Glutathione in Human Body

All living things are designed with a body system to help keep them healthy. Green plants contain the pigment chlorophyll to nourish them and protect them from pests. Other plants such as red grapes contain resveratrol, which experts are studying as a means to retard aging in people, too. Humans are no exception. We produce a powerful antioxidant in the liver called glutathione, and when levels of it are optimal, we enjoy vibrant health.

L-glutathione is manufactured in the liver from the amino acids cysteine, glutamic acid and glycine. Under the right conditions, the body also can manufacture these three amino acids. A deficiency in this chemical can lead to aging symptoms such as muscular degeneration, as well as problems in the liver. This particular substance can be found in fruits and vegetables. For example, tomatoes, oranges, spinach and watermelons contain L-Glutathione. However, the amount of it may be diminished if the food is cooked or processed.

It has the ability to boost the immune system. This is because lymphocytes–which are the cells that are responsible for the immune function–need the substance to work and replicate. The body is then more equipped to fight off diseases. In addition to this, L-Glutathione can prevent the oxidation of fats, including cholesterols, which are found in the bloodstream. Thus, the risk of plaque formation in the arteries is minimized. This is a significant benefit because the clogging of the arteries can lead to strokes and heart disease.

People are exposed to toxins on a regular basis, with most of these toxins coming from the environment. The liver and kidneys are vital organs known for their detoxification functions. L-Glutathione prevents them from acting on the body in a harmful manner by making sure that the liver functions properly. It does this by binding with the toxins in the body, using an enzyme called conjugase and flushing them out.

Other Uncertain Uses
Some researchers claim that L-glutathione may have anticancer effects when administered intravenously. Athletes and bodybuilders who undertake hard training can deplete glutathione levels, and in these cases, its supplementation may be beneficial for optimal performance and for building muscle. Others claim that L- glutathione pills have the ability to whiten the skin, but these claims are unconfirmed and not backed by scientific research.

Some studies have also suggested that L-glutathione supplementation may help reduce the effects of diabetes, lung disorders, male infertility and disease that occurs from environmental toxins. Still, indications for use and supplementation requirements are not very well known.

Uriah Sweety is the freelance writer for e-commerce website in the chemistry. is just a place for you to look for some chemicals! Our guidechem provide the most convenient conditions for the international buyers and let these leads benefit all the business people.


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