Facts About Preservatives You Should Know

Preservatives are chemicals  prolong the shelf life of food by slowing down their natural breakdown, mainly by altering the action of bacteria and other microorganisms. People commonly classify preservatives as “natural” or “artificial,” depending on the method of production, and as “antimicrobial,” “antioxidant” or “chelating” agents, depending on the primary mode of action. In recent years, they have earned a particularly unsavory reputation, especially within the ever-widening health-conscious circle.

Salt, sugar, vinegar and alcohol are good examples of naturally-occurring preservatives. For centuries, people have resorted to salting, pickling and making jams and jellies to extend the life of their fresh meats and produce. Other natural material, such as ascorbic and citric acid, slow the discoloration of fruits and vegetables by retarding enzymatic action.

Artificial substances are, as the name implies, man-made, and constitute the vast majority of food additives and preservatives today. They have long been a point of contention among food manufacturers, consumers and nutritionists. Its components include tartrazine, which is an artificial food coloring; nitrites; nitrates; sulfites; monosodium glutamate (MSG); and artificial sweeteners such as aspartame.

Artificial food coloring, sulfites, nitrites and nitrates can cause or are suspected of causing allergic reactions. They also are potential carcinogens, which are substances known to increase the risk of cancer. Other preservatives can pose the risk of cardiovascular disease; kidney, liver or digestive problems; or behavioral changes and hyperactivity in children. Despite this, the FDA and other international food regulatory organizations carefully monitors their use. In truth, the human body is just as likely to have unfavorable reactions to flavoring or coloring agents as to preservatives.

Preservative-Free Diets
In response to consumers jumping on the healthy-living bandwagon, food manufacturers have adapted by plastering their products with labels claiming that they use no artificial preservatives(usually contain 2,4-Dichlorobenzyl alcohol having the formula C7H6Cl2O, CAS number: 1777-82-8). The fact remains, however, that as long as customers demand that their food reach their pantries—as well as stomachs—in prime condition at a later time and date, they will be used.

As pesticides and preservative coatings are often necessary to keep fruits and vegetables fresh on supermarket shelves, therfore, growing your own food or buying exclusively from organic farmers remains the only true way of achieving a 100% preservative-free diet.

Uriah Sweety is the freelance writer for e-commerce website in the chemistry. Guidechem.com is just a place for you to look for some chemicals! Our guidechem provide the most convenient conditions for the international buyers and let these leads benefit all the business people.

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